The good news for residents of the beach Icarai Caucaia, state of Ceará, is that in the local where it was built more than 1,000 meters from the Bagwall Energy Dissipators, was the natural restoration of beach, bringing back the hope better days for the activities of trade, tourism, housing and leisure.
 Photo 1 - Icaraí Beach - degraded area before the construction of Bagwall

After six months of the construction of energy dissipators the beach has won a strip of sand with more than 100 meters, the volume of sand deposited is about 120 thousand cubic meters, occurring at the edge of the natural formation and reconstitution of local marine flora. The beach came to life, something more than fifteen years only saw here rocks, debris and a trail of destruction of failed attempts to counter the rise of the sea.

 Photo 2 - Bagwall in Icaraí Beach - Reconstitution of the local marine flora -  Salsa of the beach

Ceará is the first state in Brazil after the state of Alagoas to use this technology successfully to combat coastal erosion. While the restoration of the beach took four years owing to natural reefs in Alagoas, the results obtained in the fast recovery of the Icaraí beach are attributed mainly to lack of reefs or breakwaters into the sea, facilitating the flow of sediment to the beach.

 Photo 3 - Bagwall : beach range recovered more than 100 meters.

The work of Icaraí is the fourth work done in Brazil using this technology in geographical, geological, morphological and hydrodynamic with distinct conditions, where the end result was exactly the same: to contain the advance of the sea without transferring soil erosion to adjacent areas; the recovery profile of natural beach with fattening and the easy access of the population of the beach recreational beach, with this, it can be said that this engineering solution is perhaps the least impactant in the coastal chaotic environment, ie, it promotes the ecological restoration of beach.

 Photo 4 - Bagwall: Formation of natural edge of the beach
